
National Conference Registration Ends October 5th!


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It's Not Only What You Do, It's Why You Do It


Whatever your technical specialty, the National Security Agency has a position that combines your expertise with our mission: the safety and security of our families, our communities and our country.


The mission requires a strong offense and a steadfast defense. The offense collects, processes and disseminates intelligence information derived from foreign signals for intelligence and counterintelligence purposes. The defense prevents adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information.


The results of the mission are stories that you might see on the nightly news: the disruption of terrorist plans, the interruption of international drug trafficking or the prevention of significant and debilitating cyber attacks.


These activities require the highest degree of innovation. NSA applies advanced technical concepts to create groundbreaking solutions for safeguarding U.S. information and collecting foreign signals. We constantly seek new ways to accomplish the mission and meet the challenges of tomorrow, driving new solutions from invention to operation. The nature of our work demands that we attain and keep the technological upper hand.


We are dedicated to developing an exceptional workforce prepared to succeed in every facet of the mission. Employees of NSA, whether fresh out of college or experienced, expand the scope of their expertise and sharpen their skills through a variety of activities, including ongoing academic education, professional training and development, leadership opportunities and job mobility.


We work in a dynamic culture that welcomes diversity, encourages intellectual exploration, demands unbreakable ethics and covets the pursuit of the greater good.


For more information about the National Security Agency, please visit .



American Indian Science & Engineering Society

4263 Montgomery Blvd NE, Suite 200

Albuquerque, NM 87109



Higher Logic